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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hey! It's OK Tuesday!

Joining in WhisperingWriter's Hey It's OK Tuesday.

Hey it's OK that I took a long break from writing entries and posting pictures.  I was sort of busy preparing for the wedding, then the honeymoon and just now getting settled back down.  I've written 2 entries so far about the wedding (about the disaster cake and surprises my groom had for me), and more to come!

To have taken a hiatus from reading also.  There are so many books I want to read, but I would start one and then not finish because I would get busy with everything that was going on.  Luckily, I get my book time back now- I love books!

To have read Amber's (WhisperingWriter) book The Swimmer's Assistant and LOVED it!!  I have been reading her blog forever and have been waiting for a book to be released.  I was so happy when I saw her post that one was released on Amazon.  If you haven't read it yet, go read it!  It's a fun rom-com! :c)

To be loving The Voice and X Factor.  Great talent this year!  I love seeing the artists perform alternate versions of existing hits!

To have found a new favorite show that just started the fifth season- The Mentalist.  Tony recorded a Red John marathon last Monday, and we watched it and now I love the show.  It's like a mix of Psych (because he uses the skills he learned while pretending to be a psychic to solve the crimes) and House (I just love Patrick Jane's I don't give a crap what you think additude.  His methods for solving the crime are interesting, and sometimes funny.)

To have taken our first cruise for the honeymoon!  We did a Disney cruise and felt like Kings and Queens.  There will be more of an entry about the whole cruise coming soon!

**To hate computers and their glitches.  If you came here from the links on Amber's blog the computer added mine twice for some reason.  I was in the middle of typing Hey it's ok Tuesday and after I typed Hey it refreshed and added it. lol.